Thursday, January 22, 2009
5th post

This blog is meant for my English homework. When I first got this assignment, I was both happy and afraid. I was happy because I have a blog before and enjoy blogging. I was afraid as I am expected to write standard English for my posts and my English is not very good.

started blogging at primary 5 during the September holidays. There are many reasons behind why I started blogging. The main reason is that I was influenced by my brother. My brother know a lot about html and he had written many websites for people all over the world. People pay him for his work. I used to stare at the computer screen when he is writing html codes, trying to understand what he is writing. It seem very cool to me to be able to write codes for a website and wanted to write one for myself. Since then I have a strong interest in html. I started reading up on html, trying to learn whatever I can(i was a slow learner =X). When I heard about blogging, I quickly started blogging as I will be able to edit the html of my blog and it will be just like my website.

Another reason why I started blogging was that I was influenced by my friends too. In my school(Eunos Primary School:)), blogging was a very common thing. Almost everyone in my class has a blog(just that some only post once a few month). As a result I was deeply influenced to start a blog.

Blogging is about sharing your thoughts on the internet for people from all around the world to read. Blogging can also be use for communication between you and your friends. You can post a book review or anything that can be relevant to give information to whoever that is reading your blog. A blog needs a lot of time to tend to, if you do not post frequently, people will stop reading your blog. If you want to start a blog, think carefully if you have the time to do it. When I started secondary school, I have not much time to blogging. I stopped blogging since then. This assignment made me blog again(:)). I am so happy that I get to blog again and write html codes!!!

4:04 AM

Tuesday, January 20, 2009
4th post

(Added the music. Yeah!!! Happy!!! But a bit too big....never mind. no one will notice. haha)

When I meet up with my primary school friends, very often they will ask me "Which co-curricu
lum activity did you join?Scouts?"(Many of my friends thought I would join scouts. I will talk about it later). Those of you who are reading this now may have this kind of experience before. I always ask my friends this question when I meet up with them too.

The BB emblem!!!:D

I joined the Boy's Brigade(BB) only last year, the same year I entered Victoria School. It is a uniformed group. I joined the Boy's Brigade because all the other CCAs in Victoria School rejected me(sob). Another reason is that both my brothers are in uniform groups. My big brother is in National Cadet Corps while my second brother is in Scouts. My brothers wanted me to join something different from them, so I joined the Boy's Brigade. I felt both excited and nervous when i first joined the Boy's Brigade. I had no experience of being in a uniformed group before and I knew nothing about the Boy's Brigade. At the same time, the thought that I was going to learn all about camping and knots excited me. I couldn't wait to start learning all about it.

The drums :D
The company I joined is the Second Singapore Company(a company is a local unit). The Boy's Brigade is founded by Sir William Alexander Smith. He was a Sunday school teacher who had difficulties controlling a crowd of unruly boys and keeping them in Church after Sunday School. Hence, he introduced the Boy's Brigade to solve the problem. The Boy's Brigade is the first uniform group ever established. It is divided into three main categories, the juniors' programme(8-11 years old), seniors' programme(12-15 years old) and the primers' programme(16 years onwards). As a uniformed group, we have different ranks. There are seven ranks for boys: Recruit(REC), Private(PTE), Lance Corporal(LCP), Corporal(CPL), Sergeant(SGT), Staff Stergeant(SSG) and Warrant Officer(WO). I am currently a Private(a bit low among the ranks, I know).

my next rank!

We have parades once a week(parade are like our "training" sessions). Since we wear uniforms, we are supposed to tend to our uniforms and keep it in top condition(for example, polishing our boots and belts regularly). Usually, there will be some people who do not practice proper care for the maintenance of their uniforms. They will come to school early just to polish their uniforms' components. When I see them frantically polishing their boots and belts, I feel relieved,contented and at ease that I had done this job the night before and did not need to rush like they did.

We are divided into six squads.The number of boys in each squad vary depending on the number of boys in the company.When everyone reaches the venue, we would have a muster parade, in which we would have to report strength. Reporting strength is just like taking attendance. During the muster parade, we also have to remain still for a very long time. Although we do not do anything at all, it is quite uncomfortable and agonizing in my opinion as we might get cramps if we remain standing for too long. Sometimes, I will move a little when no one is looking(=X). Many of my Boy's Brigade mates who are unenthusiastic feel that these are a complete waste of time whereas I feel that such muster parades are essential for a uniformed group as they train us to be disciplined. Once in a while, the muster parade might be dragged on for too long(one hour to two hours)and my legs would feel unbearably painful. I hate it when the other boys drag it on for too long as it makes me feel very uncomfortable. After the muster parade, we would go for our badge work. This is when we learn life skills which we dont learn in class. We also pratice drills. After that, we have tests for the various badge work concepts we have learnt. If we pass the test, we will receive the badges. Earning a badge makes me feel that my efforts had paid off. This feeling of satisfaction could keep me happy for the whole day.

I feel that the Boy's Brigade helps to train me. We have physical training, which helps to keep me fit. The Boy's Brigade also taught me various life skills and this might be useful when I am enlisted for national service. Muster parades train my discipline because it takes a well-disciplined attitude and determination to keep still and not move even when you feel tired and uneasy. Overall, I personally feel that the Boy's Brigade is an enjoyable and immensely beneficial CCA as it has helped to shape me up and prepare me for my future.

2:47 AM

Monday, January 19, 2009
funny post

4:01 AM

3rd post

School crest :D

I accidentally deleted my post just now so I have to type all over again. Feel like smashing the laptop, angry with myself.

Hi to whoever is reading this. Those who are from the same school as I am, you probably have to do projects. If you don't, please let me explain. My school (which is Victoria School.) has adopted the framework ,"Teaching for Understanding". It is a framework developed by Harvard University Graduate School of Education(or at least this is what I was told). It is to help students understand what they are being taught. As part of the framework, we have to do projects which weigh high percentages in our End-of-year examination. If anyone does badly for the TfU projects, he might fail his end of year examination. Sometimes who you work with in your group might also affect how well you do. This does not mean that if you work with people you do not like you will fail. No.

A bit small. sry =x

For example, for my History project I did last year, I grouped with people I do not work well with. At first I thought, I am going to fail this project, what can I do?! I did most of the things and it was rather tiring, but it definitely could not be done without their help. It turned out that I did better in this project than the other projects I did with my closer friends. After some thoughts I figured that working with people you like (these people usually are those you like to chat with) often cause a lot of distractions. For example, you may talk to him about Dota when you are supposed to do work.

I hate projects. Projects make me tired. Make me really want to rest but yet projects give me the most marks. I hate it but I have to do it, for the sake of my results. Life is filled with challenges I guess, if not life will be too boring. The projects are just part of life, trying to make my life interesting.
1:05 AM

Sunday, January 18, 2009
2nd post

I just finished reading another book today: Ender's Game. It is a book by Orson Scott Card. I borrowed this book from my school library. Ender's Game is classified under science fiction, first published in 1985. I read it because it is part of my school's English reading programme and also thanks to the recommendations i got from my friends. I have added a picture of this book to this post so that u will know what the cover page looks like. The story is about a six-year-old child, Ender Wiggin, whose teachers reckon he will become a great commander. Buggers (ant-like organisms believed to have once lived on Earth before they evolved into what they are now), which are aliens, tried to invade Earth twice and nearly wiped out mankind. As the Bugger tread is growing the government decides to breed an army against Buggers. At that time, the government allowed only two children per family but allowed Ender's family to have three. Ender happened to be the third child in the family. He was the only hope to save mankind, but first he had to survive a military training program in outer space.
This book grabbed my attention when i first read it. It may not be as nice as Twilight but it is suitable for young children to read. The story ends off with a unexpected ending. Many of my friends encouraged me to read this book too (eg. Dominic). This book is easy to read, I would rate it 3 and a half in 5. If you enjoy reading science fiction, this is the book for you.
12:54 AM

Saturday, January 17, 2009
Ender's game movie trailer

11:43 PM

twilight trailer

11:32 PM


Victoria School


Leave ur footsteps

Wishing well

I hope i can finish my hw with just a touch.


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January 2009